Saturday, September 20, 2014


Success is different for everyone.  What some would call a success, others would see as a failure!  For example, if I were to begin running and I set a goal to run three miles in forty minutes and I did it, to me that would be a success.  Although for a runner who usually completes this distance in less than thirty minutes, doing it in forty minutes would be a failure.  You see your own personal success all depends on who and where you are at any given moment in time.

Earl Nightingale states:
“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. If someone is working towards a predetermined goal and knows where he or she is going, that person is a success.”

If you want to succeed, you have to set a goal and don’t give up until you reach it. Quitters never win and winners never quit.  People may take different approaches and have different timelines, but as long as they are moving in the direction of their goals, they will eventually get there.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How can I get more motivation in my life?

How can I get more motivation in my life?

The answer to this question is simple. You have to develop Self-Discipline.

If you are waiting for something or someone to motivate you, you already lost. You are giving all power away because you don’t have control over someone else. However, you do have control over YOU.

What is your WHY? If your why is big enough, you are motivated to take action. You may not be motivated to work longer hours, but you are motivated to work longer hours if it would help you to have your dream vacation, right? You may still don’t like to work more, but you are doing it anyways, because your why is bigger and that is your motivator.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Business meets Spirituality

Business meets Spirituality
I attended Arianna Huffington’s “Thrive” event in New York City last week and one message was very clear. We have to re-connect with ourselves. Through “me time” and meditation we can get back in touch with our higher self and thus tap into the power of universal intelligence. It may sound a little strange for some of you, but trust me if you give it a try you will feel and see the difference. This is not a far fetch concept any longer. The matter of the fact is studies have shown that companies who incorporate yoga and meditation for their employees during the workweek have lower health care cost, fewer sick days and higher productivity. What does it tell us? When we re-connect, meaning just taking a little time every day to sit quiet, relax and listen to that inner small voice, we refresh and replenish our body and mind. We are more creative, more productive and may come up with our next “million dollar” idea.

So, I invite you to take 5 minutes (or more if you wish) every day this week and sit still in silence. Either do meditation or go out for a short nature walk and notice the effect it has on you. Write your experience into your journal. I believe if fortune 500 companies have success by incorporating this strategy into their programs, it would be a good idea to do this in our own lives and businesses. 

Click here for more free inspiration and motivation from me.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Seedlings of Success

If you want to harvest vegetables in the summer, you must plant the seeds in the spring. The same applies to success. If you want to be successful in any area of your life you got to take action (planting the seeds). If you want to lose weight for example, you have to change your diet and have to start exercising. If you want to have more income, you can either work more hours or create new products or services that you can sell. These are the seeds that you are planting and eventually you will see the results – your success.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The power of "NOW"

Today is the beginning of the rest of my life. I can start all over again. I acknowledge that I don’t have power in the past or in the future, I only have power in the NOW. If my thoughts linger in the past, often replaying a bad situation over and over again, I am filled with regrets. On the other hand if my thoughts are in the future, I may experience fear, uncertainty or doubts. I don’t have power in the future, because I am not there yet and I don’t know if things work out the way I imagined. So let’s stay in the moment. Only in the “NOW” can I plan and take ACTION. I cannot undo the past and I cannot change something in 2 years or 2 days. I can only change something NOW. I have power NOW. I will take action NOW. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Follow Your Dream

If you have a dream in your heart it is up to you to follow it. Only you can make the decision to make your dreams a reality, no one else can or will. You are the master of your thoughts and actions. 

Over 30 years ago I made the decision to pursue a career in the performing arts. Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a singer, actor and dancer.  During my school years, I was involved in our show choir and acting group.  I loved everything that had to do with performing.  I learned to play the guitar and formed a country duo with a girlfriend of mine.  We performed whenever we had the chance.  When school came to an end, I had to decide what to do with my life. I had no clue.  I didn't know that you could study the performing arts.  I thought you had to be discovered.  I was very naïve.  So I did the next best thing.  I listened to the well-meant advice of my dad, who said, “Sabine, find a job with benefits and a good salary, so you can pay your bills and have something left over to pursue you hobbies.”  It sounded good to me at the time, so I did just that. I ended up working as a claims adjuster for an insurance company.  This maybe a dream job for someone else, but it sure wasn’t for me. What was I to do? Ask and you shall receive.

The answer came through a “chance” meeting with my former music and drama teacher, Mr. Herbst, who always was an inspiration to me.  During our conversation, he asked me if I still was active with my singing and theater group.  My answer was no.  Then he said something profound that changed my life. He said, “What a shame Sabine, you are so talented.”  BAM!  That hit home.  That was exactly what I needed to hear.  My dream of becoming a performer came back to life, but I didn’t know where to start.  Someone once said to me:  “If your dream and the reason why you want to do it is big enough, the how will show up.”  I can say from my own experience that it’s true.

When I first began my journey in the entertainment industry, I had no clue what I was doing, but I took action in the direction of my dream.  After that meeting with my teacher, I went home, opened up the yellow pages and searched for acting schools.  I have to point out that back then there was no such thing as Google that makes everything so easy these days.  In any case, I picked up the telephone, called an acting school and scheduled my audition. 

When I shared my plan with my family they thought I had lost my mind.  They replied, “Sabine, this is a breadless profession; all actors are crazy; look at all the scandals.” and so on.  But I told them, I don’t want to look back on my life thinking, “Why didn’t I at least give it a try?”  Well, long story short, two weeks into school I knew this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.  The dream that was in my heart, almost extinguished, started back up with a small flicker and then busted into a burning desire.  I never looked back.  I didn’t do it for the money, but for the love of performing.  If you do something for the love of it and share your talent with the world, you are on the right track and the money will follow you.  The funny thing is that after two years working in a theater, I landed a role on TV.  We only filmed for six weeks over the summer, but during that time, I made more money than I did working for the insurance company for an entire year. 

Please post your commands below. What was the one or two factors that made you go after your dream?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Beautiful Thoughts

Marilyn vos Savant is an American magazine columnist, author, lecturer, and playwright who rose to fame through her former listing in the Guinness Book of World Records under "Highest IQ." She was once asked by someone what the relationship was between feeling and thinking. She answered: Feeling is what you get for thinking the way you do.

A few years ago I wrote an acapella song called Beautiful Thoughts.It was performed by different choirs a few times, but never recorded. Last summer I visited my musician friends in Germany and for fun we recorded this version in just a few takes. At this Valentine's Day I decided to create a video that reflect the meaning of my song. I hope you enjoy the beautiful pictures, words and melody. If you like it, click the like button. I truly appreciate if you would write a quick commend and share the video with your friends.

Remember, you can make a difference by the thoughts that you think. Enjoy the video.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Too often we take all the good things in our lives for granted and when we have a bad day or week, we may think the world is crushing down. I suggest starting a gratitude journal and when you are down pick up your journal and read all the blessings that you have in your life. That will put things into prospective and I bet it makes you feel better instantly.

Today I am thankful for all the great teachers in my life.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

We Create Our Reality

Every day we can choose to create whatever we want, so why not create a joyful live that is filled with love and happiness.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Stop Making Excuses, Start Making Money

I believe all human beings have three major things in common. If you would ask anyone “Do you want to be healthy?” they would answer yes. “Do you want to be happy?” The answer would be yes. “Do you want to have enough money to be financially independent?” They would answer yes.  So why do we have an all-time high health and wealth crisis? Why is the suicide rate so high? Why do we have full hospitals? Why are diseases like cancer, heart attacks and diabetes on the rise? Why do we have so much credit card debts and so many bankruptcies?  These are tough questions and I have been asking myself what can we do as individuals to change that? I believe first we must acknowledge that we have a problem and then take full responsibility of it. This is the toughest part, because it is much easier to blame something or somebody else for our situation. This is also a catch 22. Yes, you may feel better if it is not your fault, but at the same time you give away the power to change your situation. If it is someone else’s fault (Government, neighbor, employer etc.), you have to wait for them to fix it, and this may never happen. On the other hand if you acknowledge that you are the problem than you are also the solution and that brings the power back to you. You are the only variable. Circumstances are what they are. You can’t do anything about the weather, but you can dress appropriately so you don’t get wet or freeze if an ice storm hits. You can’t do anything about the current economy, but your response to it changes the outcome in your life.

Let me give you an example. Two co-workers are being confronted with the boss’s announcement, that in the next few weeks he has to make a decision to let go of some of his employees. Worker 1 goes home depressed, complains about the situation to his wife, grabs a beer sits on his couch, watches TV to take his mind of this awful situation and hopes for the best. Worker 2 goes home searches the internet for alternative jobs or business opportunities. The next day worker 1 is doing his job like he always did, maybe even a little bit less, because he thinks to himself, why bother, I may lose this job anyways. Worker 2 works harder than before. He is starting to think of ways how he can contribute to improving productivity, maybe even shares some of his ideas with his boss. Four weeks later all employees are called for a meeting. Worker 1 receives the pink slip, worker 2 receives a promotion. It comes down to your response or (re)-action.

I like the formula Jack Canfield offers:

E + R = O, Event + Response = Outcome.

Stop making Excuses, start making Money!